Friday, January 19, 2007

January 19, 2007--honey bears

i LOVED these honey bears when a friend gave them to me as a gift (sarah s., was that you?). they look like gummy bears, but they're made from honey, so you can put them in a cup of tea to sweeten it. problem is, i don't drink much hot tea (other than the new aveda tea i JUST found out about which doesn't need sweetener). plus, when i tried to open this jar to see if they were all melded together into one honey bear lump, i couldn't even open the jar. plus, if memory serves, they're probably about 9 years old at this point and since they're looking a little shriveled around the edges, i'm thinking that they're probably not so fresh. so... sadly, i must get rid of them.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yes, that was me. I also had some honey bears that I thought were so cute so I didn't use them and also had to dispose of them. You really did hang onto them for a long time!!!